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Visual Changes on the face.


Psychologists find a fascinating top-up topic. The Microblading rule says: “If the client is satisfied immediately after treatment, this means that they will not be satisfied after seven days. However, if the client is not satisfied because of the dark colour and thick eyebrows, that means that the client will be satisfied seven days later.”

What happens when you get your eyebrows microbladed?

1. 'I shape the brow area by threading the hairs, cleaning up the area and preparing it for the treatment.'

2. 'Numbing – this takes 40mins using a topical ointment. While this is working its numbing magic, I'll show the client colour swatches and discuss together the best shade for their desired look.'

3. '10 minutes before the numbing cream has got to a stage of working; I’ll use my tools to begin measuring the area around the brows, taking into account face shape, symmetry, facial features etc.'

4. 'Then I begin the needling process - gently implanting the pigment via featherweight strokes. Each stroke is a simple line in the skin where the colour pigment seeps in and settles then. If there is any discomfort at this stage, we add another quick layer of numbing cream to the area, which will become effective after 5 minutes.'

5. 'I add on a final layer of pigment that stays on for 5mins, clean the area and et voila – beautiful brows!'

6. 'In 6-8 weeks, there's a top-up session to fill in any gaps where the pigment hasn't taken or healed properly.'

Why is there a top-up microblading session, and when does this happen?

'The session happens after 6-8 weeks. is where I can assess the first steps, and add in any further strokes and add a darker pigment if preferred.

What happens in the meantime?

'You'll need to follow the after-care when instructions (see below) and avoid any picking or scratching. Your eyebrows will start to heal over, much like a tattoo, which might cause irritation but can happen.

'In the next ten days or so, your eyebrows will change colour, might become flaky and look like they've faded, but this is normal. They'll reveal their final colour and shape after around 30 days. it can then be retouch at the second session.'

How do you know what eyebrow shape to go for? Should we bring pictures?

'Clients are welcome to bring in images of the style of brow they like, or come in with the brow make-up they normally wear on a day to day basis – but I'll determine the colour and shape to use from my years of experience.'


'People come in and tend to want darker than I suggest, but it's always better to go a little more natural – you can always add more into the top-up session for a darker colour.

'I'll look at your hair colour, eye colour and skin tone using the Fitzpatrick Chart, which also takes into account how your skin will change with sun exposure etc., to ensure the correct colour pigment choice.'


'I'll measure up your eyebrows using a Microblading compass to choose the perfect shape of brow which is individual to each client. Based on this, I'll finish the final shape.'

How long does microblading last?

'Microblading lasts anything between 12-18 months, but the longevity of the pigment will depend on your skin type.

'People with slightly more oily skin will tend to last around the 12-month mark before needing a top up, but people with normal skin can last up to 18 months.

'Your brows will eventually fade away if you don’t continue with touchup every 18 months or so. There is no scarring or discolouration with the pigments used, so you wouldn’t know if you left them to fade out.'

Does microblading hurt?

'It doesn’t hurt as such; it is more a sensation. The process itself is not painful thanks to the numbing ointment that is applied. It's sometimes the sound of the blade that people find worse – a slight scratching sound.

'The whole process is more or less 2h – it's the numbing which takes most of the time (50mins),but you won't be under the needle for the whole time.'

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information on my website

Can microbladed eyebrows be undone/removed?

'Yes – the pigment used leaves no scarring or discolouration, and I can use a salt/saline solution to remove microbladed brows.

'It is essential to know and understand that brows will be up to 40% darker in the shade for the first 7-10 days during the healing process where scabs can form and flake off.

'Ladies can sometimes leave the studio and two days later be terrified that their brows are too dark, but please be patient – as this is normal! After 7-10 days, you will begin to see the final colouring.'

The Microblading Dos and Don'ts

There are a few of them.

In Advance.

1. Do not pick, tweeze, wax or have electrolysis one week prior.

2. Do not use sunbeds or sit in direct sunlight two weeks before.

3. Do not have any type of facial or peel two weeks prior.

4. Stop using any retinol or Vitamin A products one month prior.

5. No exercising on the day.

6. Do not have botox three weeks before.

7. Do not take fish oil or Vitamin E one week prior (these are natural blood thinners).

1. Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your appointment.

2. Do not drink coffee 2 hours prior.

3. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 24 hours prior.

The Post-Microblading Rules

Days 1-7.

1. Gently wash your eyebrows every morning and night with water and an antibacterial soap such as Cetaphil. Ensure all soap is rinsed away and dry by gently patting with a tissue. It will not remove the pigment.

DO NOT use any cleaners containing acids or exfoliants.

2. Apply a minimal amount of coconut or rosehip oil to each Thing to consider once your brows have been microbladed.

  • Use a clean pillowcase.

  • No picking!

  • No facials, botox, or peels for four weeks

  • Avoid exercise for one week

  • Avoid direct sun for one week

  • Avoid long, steamy showers for ten days

  • Avoid swimming for ten days

  • Don't wear any make-up or use skincare on your brows until they've healed.

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